In addition to providing important information for our members, WEMS acts as hub for early music happenings in Winnipeg. In this area you will find links to other early music groups in Winnipeg, and other pertinent information. Events will be listed on the calendar on our Events page. If you have events or groups you would like listed here please email.

Charles Horton, Director
All The King's Men is a male-voice liturgical choir, associated with the College Chapel of St. John the Evangelist at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Much of their music draws from a rich tradition of Latin and English choral music for men's voices within the context of the Anglican services of Evensong and Compline. Much of the repertoire is early period. All the Kings Men sings evensong on the first Sunday of the month, for more information about the repertoire for a particular service, please check their web page at: All the King's Men and click on next service.
Camerata Nova is a vocal group without fear, performing Renaissance, Indigenous-infused and contemporary music. Often singing a cappella, the group also enjoys accompaniment from didgeridoos, crystal bowls, all kinds of percussion, and/or early instruments. Since 1996, they continue to push the envelope, offering authentic early music performances, premieres of Manitoba compositions and an eclectic array in between. Camerata Nova has issued four CDs: Camerata Nova, Mystica, Nova Noël and Camerata Nova Live: Christmas in Early America, as well as a DVD Wa Wa Tey Wak (Northern Lights). Camerata Nova is led by a quartet of extraordinary individuals: Artistic Director and Resident Composer Andrew Balfour, and Curators/Conductors Mel Braun, Vic Pankratz and John Wiens.
Canzona is a choral ensemble of 16 to 30 voices and consists of many of the leading singers in the province of Manitoba. Canzona focuses mainly on the masterworks of the Baroque in its live performances, but the ensemble is also active in preparations of select recordings featuring contemporary music, German hymns, and other compositions and collections.
Celebrating their 40th birthday, the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra explores the section of the repertoire rarely touched by large symphony orchestras. Established in 1972, the MCO presents an annual nine-concert subscription series in Winnipeg. Co-presentations with CBC Radio began in 1984, and Canadians across the country (roughly 3.7 million annually) and fans around the world enjoy the Orchestra in frequent broadcasts and online.